Friday, March 15, 2013

NOTD: Salon Perfect Pure Azure (113)

In natural light.
In artificial light. 

I have been on a mission the past few months to find the perfect periwinkle nail polish. I bought Essie's Lapiz of Luxury several months back and hated it! The color was so sheer that I needed two or three coats of a natural-nude color as a base and then I still needed three or four coats of the Essie polish. Needless to say, I am done with using Lapiz of Luxury! I was in Wal-Mart last night and noticed there was a new nail polish display that had Salon Perfect; the polishes are $3.98! In scoping out the the isle, I noticed a periwinkle polish and for some reason, I knew it would work for me. When I got home I painted my nails and now I am completely obsessed with the color!

Pure Azure (#113)
This is a true periwinkle (mix of blue and purple) with a creme finish. I used 3 coats, but probably could have gotten away with two.

Daily Dose of Pretty...
  • Exciting news: Ross and I are engaged! He asked me on Wedensday and we are so excited about this new chapter! Click Here to see ring pictures and to read about the proposal. Oh, and I am wearing this color in one of the pictures. 
  • We are having a cook out today with some of Ross' co-workers and one of my best friends, Jessica, is coming too. She and I have been friends since elementary school and I have seen her in almost a year. Things have been crazy with both of our schedules so I am looking forward to seeing her!
  • I had a dentist appointment yesterday (at a new dentist) and the gave me a free 4 day supply of the Reflection Advanced Tooth Whitening System. I love teeth whitening kits so I might review this for y'all.

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