Friday, February 8, 2013

Why I haven't blogged in a while...

Hello, Friends!
I know I blogged a few NOTD posts the other day, but other than that I've been completely M.I.A. in the blogging world! Last semester I was crazy busy with classes. As some of you know, I was taking two literature classes (yeah, that was stressful!) so I didn't have a life and had no free time to blog. Whenever Christmas Break rolled away a few months ago I told myself that I would catch up on some reviews that I've been meaning to do for ages- obviously  that didn't happen. I really wanted to spend time with family and my boyfriend before school started again. Plus, we were gone a lot, too. It seemed like over my break, we traveled around so much visiting my family and then going to Iowa to see his family. This semester should be better and I should be blogging more than last semester if all goes according to plan.

In other non-beauty/fashion related news, Ross and I went ring shopping for the final time! I have been uber picky/confused about what I want. I mean, this is literally going to be a piece of jewelry I wear for the rest of my life. I fell in love with two rings: a Tiffany inspired 1.27 carat round solitaire in yellow gold and a 1.2? round solitaire with pave and a thin band in yellow gold- a girl can dream, right?!
Eeek! I can't wait until he pops the question and we plan an amazing wedding...and obviously spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams!

Daily Dose of Pretty...

  • I went to Ulta today in hopes of getting some new NYX products and they were sold out of everything I wanted. Boooo! I do, however, pick up a foundation. I re-purchased the Revlon Colorstay in Buff. I used to use this foundation all through high school and then randomly stopped.
  • Ross is working late tonight- sad face! But, I am cooking for him. We will be having baked chicken, brown rice and veggies. Remember, we're on a "get healthy" kick. Yeah, I am not a fan. I love healthy food, but I would do just about anything for a cookie about right now. Lol
  • I think I'm about to start on my online homework. I've done a terrific job of putting it off and it due on Sunday, but I want to spend the weekend with my main squeeze! 

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